About the event
The Mennonite Arts Weekend event invites artists and art enthusiasts to join together for a weekend (every other February) of presentations, workshops, performances, and worship. The exciting biennial gathering brings together artists from across the United States and Canada to provide exposure for artists working in different facets of the arts and to provide a setting for interaction and the exchange of ideas.
The 2025 weekend features several artists from a wide variety of disciplines, learn more below. You won't want to miss this event!

The Dangling Participles - jazzy indie folk band

Dona Park - graphic arts

Chris Janzen - composer/artist

Caitlin Lanctot - jeweler

Leslie James & Joanna Pinkerton - worship arts

Ron Headings - wire art

Trevor Daugherty - potter

Ron Adams - coach

Julia Baker - poet/writer

Janice Leppke - watercolor/worship arts

Anna Miller - painter/printmaker

Kristin Kauffman - hymn sing leader
Presenter Updates

Canceled - Thomas Hiebert - musician, french horn

The venue
MAW was held at a new venue for 2025. We gathered at Sharonville United Methodist Church located in the northern Cincinnati metro area about 13 miles from downtown.

For the kids
Childcare and activities are provided for kids in attendance!
Some of the planned activities that will be available throughout the weekend include:
- Coloring pages and colored pencils for children who wish to remain with their grown-ups
- Youth room for ages 1st grade and up with board games, toys, art activities, and supplies to make hygiene and school kits for those in need
- Art activities include woven placemats, paper garlands, tissue paper flowers, friendship bracelets, origami, wire art, and nail with string art
Kids are welcome to attend any presentations and some workshops (see registration page for age limits).