Who attends?
The number of attendees at the Weekend ranges from 175-225 and is not limited to professional artists. You’ll see young and old, families with children, working artists, creative hobbyists, and those who are simply arts enthusiasts. For each event, the MAW planning committee invites 10 to 15 artists to offer presentations, workshops and performances: writers, poets, musicians, choirs, painters, sculptors, fabric artists, photographers, and more. Some names of past-presenters include Chuck Neufeld, Jeff Gundy, Marilyn Houser-Hamm, Jean Janzen, Julia Kasdorf, Greg Luginbuhl, Ken Nafziger, Mary Oyer, Lucia Unrau, Roy Yoder and Robert Regier, just to name a few.
What is it?
The first Mennonite Arts Weekend (MAW) took place in 1992 with a goal to celebrate the contributions of Mennonite artists by supporting them in their efforts to "reclaim their identity/relationship with the church." The successful event became a biennial gathering, organized and supported by members of Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship. Every other February since, artists and art enthusiasts have come together for a weekend of presentations, workshops, performances and worship. In doing so, MAW seeks to encourage creative expression in Mennonite communities, to provide exposure for artists working in different facets of the arts, to provide a setting for interaction and the exchange of ideas, and to bring together practicing Mennonite artists and others of all traditions interested in the arts.
What will I do there?
The Weekend begins Friday evening with a time for gathering, introduction of artist-presenters and a keynote address, the opening of the Art Gallery and singing.
On Saturday morning, there are morning presentations beginning at 9:00 and again at 10:30. At each time, there are several sessions to choose from. So, you might choose to hear from a quilt-artist at 9:00 and a painter at 10:30, or a poet at 9:00 and a singer-songwriter at 10:30. After a break for lunch (provided by MAW), there will be a hymn sing with a distinguished song leader, followed by more presentations at 2:00 and at 3:30. Dinner begins at 5:30 and is followed by an evening performance at 7:00 featuring the Weekend’s artist-presenters as well as a guest choir and/or other musical groups.
Over the weekend, you’ll also be able to enjoy an on-site art exhibit featuring the work of the Weekend’s visual artists—with many artworks available for sale. Other artist-presenters and past-presenters will have books, CDs, prints and artwork for sale as well.
The weekend culminates with a Sunday morning worship service inspired by the theme and events of the Weekend with plenty of music, singing and artist participation.
How much does it cost?
$125 per person ($100 before December 1, 2024)
$65 for students (high school/college)
$45 for children 4-14
Free to children 3 and under.
Family cap of $325
On-site registration is available.
Does the registration fee include meals?
Yes, the registration fee includes Saturday lunch and dinner (vegetarian options are available).
Beverages and snacks are available throughout the weekend (voluntary donation).
Do I have to come to the entire Weekend?
The registration fee encompasses the entire Weekend; you are free to come to select parts of the Weekend should you wish, but the cost is the same.
Where can I stay?
If you are coming from out-of-town, and need lodging recommendations, we are happy to help. Check out the map of the area and suggested hotels here.
Do you offer refunds?
We are able to provide a 100% refund if requested more than 14 days prior to the event. You can request a refund by emailing info@mennoniteartsweekend.org. All requests for a refund within 14 days of the event are not able to be honored.